
Branching Out

Weight: 190.2

Morning blood sugar: 4.5

Units of insulin taken last night: 5

So, given my number this morning, I’m going to try five units again tonight, but may need to decrease yet again. Does this disappoint me? Not in the least! I don’t have a problem with needles necessarily, but if I don’t have to poke myself with one daily it’s not going to break my heart.

The app I use for my scale is kind of neat. It plays a little tune when the weight has been recorded. This helps me to know when I can step off the scale. What’s kind of fun about it though is that if I hit a new low, it plays a different tune. So, this morning when I stepped on and got the loss tune, I was curious to see where I was. My previous low was 190.4, so 190.2 was a new low. I love these little things that make doing all this a little bit more fun.

Since we started this whole keto thing, I’ve read several times that pork rinds can be used to make a breading for meat. So this evening, I decided to try this pork chop recipe since I now have a super easy way to crush the pork rinds. A couple of seconds in the food processor not only crushed the pork rinds, but mixed the garlic, onion powder, and parmesan cheese, so I hardly had to do any of the work. I think next time I’m only going to use one egg for dipping because I found that two eggs was just too much so a lot got wasted. I’m also going to use a smaller amount of the crumb mixture so that if I don’t use it all I can hopefully store the rest of it to use on something else. I don’t know how long something like this would keep, but since I kept it all in the bowl, I won’t be able to find out since there’s now egg residue in there. But, the pork chops were great.

Yesterday Bruce and I also set up the next month of our plan. This time I was able to add him, so now I’m getting quantities for both of us. Looks like I’ve been practically starving poor Bruce the last three weeks. I was giving him more than I was giving myself, of course, but apparently not quite enough to meat his needs. So, now that I’m more aware of what he needs, he can actually have a bit more. The interesting thing is though, when we were talking about it yesterday, he said that it sounded like a lot of food. So, I’m obviously not going to force him to eat more than he wants to. But, it’s good to know on those days when he is hungrier exactly how much to give him.

Bruce also very kindly ordered me a new talking kitchen scale. My current one weighs in pounds, ounces and grams, while this new one weighs in pounds, ounces, grams, or milliliters. Although I still mostly find it easier to think in pounds and ounces, our meal plan gives weights mostly in grams and milliliters, so it’s actually really been helpful when it comes to weighing our food. I still use the scale pretty much daily.

The other tool that I don’t think I actually have mentioned yet is my talking cooking thermometer. This is something I’ve used for years, but it’s another gadget that I find myself using constantly.

Funnily enough, one of the biggest challenges I’m having at the moment is measuring butter. I used to buy I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter, partly because I liked the taste, but also because it stayed nice and soft, so it was easy to measure for cooking. Real butter is so much harder, and so often here I can only find it in a huge cube. I’ve heard that the wrapper has measuring lines on it to help people know where to cut it, but those aren’t any use to me. So, I find myself doing a lot of guessing. This is probably something I could weigh, but it’s a bit annoying to me. So, if anyone has any tips for measuring butter, other than leaving it out of the fridge so that it stays soft, I’d love to hear them.

Finally, one more product that has made Bruce very happy, and I enjoy it too, of course. It’s not something we’ll eat a lot, but I’m a member of a keto support group on Facebook, and I mentioned that Bruce really missed bread and sandwiches. Someone told me about these wraps from Walmart. They only have seven carbs per wrap, compared to about 23.5 carbs in two slices of wheat bread, or 25 grams of carbs in two slices of white bread. Plus, these wraps can be used for sandwiches, tacos, burritos, or even as a flatbread pizza crust. So, a bit of comfort food, and as long as we don’t go crazy with it, we can make it work for us.

Well, that’s about it for me for tonight. They’re doing a planned power cut here in the building overnight tonight, so I need to shut down before it happens.

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