
Three Weeks Down!

Weight: 191.4; up a pound from yesterday, but still down from the beginning

Morning blood sugar: 5.0

Units of insulin last night: 5

Yes. I’m down from thirty units of insulin at the beginning of this to five last night. I’m staying within the normal range as well, although not entirely at 100 percent. I don’t really know what that means since I can’t see the graphs in the app, but I’m really okay with this.

I’m still trying new recipes, and last night we had this bacon-crusted chicken recipe. It’s definitely going on the list of meals we’ll have again. I served it with cauliflower rice. With a bit of no-sugar added ketchup, even Bruce enjoyed a bowl of it. I told him that sometime this week I’m going to make butter chicken, and I’ll serve that over more of the cauliflower rice. I want to make my own, but I’m concerned that it might get too soft. I attempted to shred cabbage a couple years back to make homemade coleslaw, and it turned into a huge mound of mush, so I’m a bit hesitant to try again. But now that we’ve been generously gifted a food processor with a grater attachment, I may try it with a small amount of cauliflower and see what happens. It definitely would be less expensive to buy the cauliflower and make it myself than to buy the frozen stuff in a bag. So, we’ll see. And, if I’m feeling really ambitious, I might even make this naan bread to complete the meal.

In other news, I may have mentioned a couple weeks back that I picked up a few pairs of pants a size down from what I normally buy, along with a belt. Well, I’m already able to fit into the smaller size pants. I think I was right on the verge of this smaller size already, so it didn’t really take all that much, but I really do have to say that it’s nice to be able to put my phone in my pocket and not feel like my jeans are going to fall down around my ankles. The new things also have belt loops, so I’ll be able to make good use of them for quite a while. I don’t want to keep replacing my clothes at this point because it could get rather expensive, so I’m just trying to come up with ways to make things work.

Other than that, I think that’s about all I’ve got to say at this point. It’s almost time to enter my new data into the web site to get the second month of the plan. I’m really hoping to be able to actually get Bruce added this time, and we’re going to go through the food list again and see if there’s anything else we can possibly add to expand the variety a little bit more.

Tell me what you think: