
Still Here

Weight: 192.4

Morning blood sugar: Very good

I’m still here. I just haven’t really had anything new to say, so rather than keep repeating the same things again and again, I thought I’d skip a couple of days.

Today though, I’ve got news. About three months back, I had a medication switch. My acting doctor, (my regular doctor has been on maternity leave), put me on a once-a-week injectable medication. This med was supposed to help with appetite and possibly weight-loss. Unfortunately, it also wasn’t covered by insurance, so we’ve been paying out of pocket for it. After taking it for three months, I haven’t felt that it’s made any difference for me at all, other than to inflate the credit card bill. I currently have one dose left, and would need to get it refilled this week or early next week. However, I just spoke with Lisa, our friendly dietician, and she agrees with me that there’s really no point in continuing this medication. So, she’s going to just confirm with the doctor, but Friday should be my last dose. One less needle I have to stick into myself a week is a good thing.

We’re finding that the recipes we’ve been given on our meal plan are getting a bit repetitive, and we both want other foods. So, over the weekend I’ve been branching out a little bit. Saturday night I made us taco salad, and these keto biscuits, which are low carb, paleo, and gluten-free if those things are important to you. I added garlic and cheese, and turned them into a knock-off of the cheddar bay biscuits from Red Lobster. The texture using almond flower is a bit different from regular flower, but they were very good overall. Things I do with almond flower also seem to be a bit more dry, but I don’t know if that’s normal or if there’s something I need to change. In any case though, it was so nice to have a biscuit. This recipe can also be used to make hamburger buns, and I could totally see this working.

I don’t plan to make a habit of this, but last night I was up until after 1 AM working on a project. By the time I went to bed, I was really tired. I crawled into bed and then remembered my insulin. My sugar level was hovering right around 4.7, so I made the decision to just skip the insulin altogether. It ended up being a good thing. My sugar was around 5.5 this morning, and I didn’t end up having any overnight lows. I told Lisa that I’d missed my dose last night and she also said that taking it might have caused me to go low, and suggested that I try cutting back a little bit again. So, I’ll try that tonight and see how it goes.

Other than that, I really don’t have a whole lot to say. I’m still not feeling all that great. Lisa says that it could be because my body is so used to having the higher blood sugars, and now that they’re in range, I’m having to get used to the lower levels, and it’s possible that I just feel like I’m verging on too low because of the drastic decrease in my numbers. I’m really having to push myself some days to prepare these meals, and I’m really glad that everything is really pretty easy. I’m still holding out for that magic moment when I’ve suddenly got all sorts of energy. Interestingly enough, I wake up most mornings with a really dry mouth, which is usually an indication for me of high blood sugar. I know that bad breath is a sign of ketosis, and if what I’m breathing in when I wear a mask is any indication, I’m totally there! 😊

But now, I’ve got to get ready to go out for pizza, (yes, keto pizza crust, of course), so that’s about it for now.

Tell me what you think: